We help craft memorable speeches that live up to the moment
Be remembered, for good.
No one wants to be remembered for all of the wrong reasons.
You are here because you have a moment that you don't want to mess up.
This is not your normal gig. High stakes. Crucial moments. Crowds of people with their eyes glued on you.
The last speech you gave was when you shared a recipe in Spanish class. Let's just say it didn't go so well. And now, you are tasked with saying something significant.
Something that celebrates memories. Years. Relationships. An important ending, or a significant new beginning. You want to rise to the occasion, but don't know where to start or how to pull it all off in a way that honors the magnitude of the moment. You have come to the right place.
You can have confidence before, during, and after your speech
“Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”
- John Wayne
Know What You Are Going To Say Before You Say It
If you're thinking you will simply waltz on stage with a couple of notes you jotted down on a napkin moments before, you're in trouble. It doesn't have to be this way.
Connect With The Audience During Your Speech
It's not enough to have all the right words. Any robot can stand on stage and read. You want more. You want to deliver these words from your heart. You want to connect with their hearts.
Feel Gratified After Your Speech Is All Over
When things go bad, the longest walk in the world is from the stage to your seat. Don’t take that walk! You honored the people and the moment, and now you can relax.

Three easy steps to your perfect speech.
Tell us about the speech you have to give
What is the special occasion? It could be celebrating your best friend's wedding or mourning the loss of someone you loved. Whatever the moment, we're here to help.
We help you write your perfect speech
What is it you will say? When you are asked to speak it is because the relationship is important and a story is to be told. We bring clarity to help write your story.
You give the speech you've always wanted
Don't be satisfied with it just being over. What if you could use the right words and speak them with the conviction of your heart? It is possible. You will do it!
Why are you here?
I'll never forget the moment. I was just about to walk out with the groom, when the father of the bride put his hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Hey Pastor, don't mess this up."
He's $25,000 deep into the most important day of his daughter's life. I'm ten hours deep with this couple doing premarital sessions and working on their wedding message.
"Don't mess this up."
After years of standing in front of many audiences, large and small, joyful weddings to somber memorials, I know how to craft a speech to dignify the relationships, occasions and people that are most important to you.
Which package is right for me?
It all depends on what you need. Sometimes you need to talk it out with someone who's been there before, and sometimes you need ALL THE HELP (short of actually making the speech, of course).
The Strategy Session
Don't know where to start?
Maybe you just need to be talked off the ledge. After filling out a basic questionnaire, we jump on the phone for an hour long session to talk through how to structure your speech. You'll walk away with a direction, theme, and outline. You will step in front of the crowd with confidence.
The Writing Session
Is talking it through not enough? After the "The Strategy Session," I take our conversation and put it to paper. Gleaning from your stories, I craft a speech that will be memorable (in the good way). Keeping you on point, all of the important elements you need will be right there in front of you, in paper or notecard form.
The Coaching Session
Is the delivery the hardest part? You don't want to just stand up there and read it. If the previous sessions are not quite enough, I spend another session guiding you through the mechanics of giving a good speech. You will walk away from this time feeling confident your speech is memorable, for all the good reasons!
Hi, I’m Matt.
As a pastor for more than twenty years, I've had every speaking experience possible. From speaking in camp settings with a thousand middle schoolers, to preaching Sunday mornings at a megachurch, to officiating countless weddings and funerals. I understand the sacredness of these moments.
I get it. For many, speaking in public is down right scary.
You're not alone. Fear of public speaking is a very common phobia and one that is believed to affect up to 75% of the population. Some feel a slight nervousness at the very thought, while others experience full-on panic and fear.
Whether you are the "Best Man" at your friend's wedding or needing to give a eulogy for someone you loved, let’s craft and prepare for a speech you will be proud to deliver.
“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”
-John Ford
Have you ever been nervous before giving a speech?
Caring friends are all too willing to pitch in their “expert advice.” “Imagine you are in a different setting. Go to your happy place.” Or, “Focus on just one smiling face the entire time. You can focus on me.” Or my favorite, “Picture the audience in their underwear.”
Read this FREE PDF to see why this advice is not helpful and how we can help.