Eight faces, all mine, for your viewing enjoyment.
Holding Up The Barn
Sometimes the photographer tells you to lean up against a building to make yourself look more relaxed and pleasant. This is the result.
I Give Up Already
Donald Miller has been asking me for a picture together for years. I finally gave in. Sometimes you just have to wear people down to get what you want.
Prime Time, Baby!
Who says you have to let it all go when you get old? Absolutely zero AI was used in the creation of this headshot. I promise.
Intimate Dining Shot
Ever wonder what it looks like to go out on a dinner date with me? Look no further and imagine no more. This is what you’ve been waiting for.
Don't FALL For Me
Don’t let the smile fool you. It was 22 degrees and my face was frozen this way. Think that’s bad? You should’ve seen my wife. She’s still frozen.
Eat Your Heart Out Nature Hike
Sometimes I go for a walk. Never a run, unless I am being chased. This is me in the wild, a little facial hair, and a smolder.
Country Boy Wearing Checkers
Nothin’ better than getting lost in the checkers and a sincere smile to make your day. (I stole this shirt from a friend)
Who Says Old Guys Don't Get Out?
Covering up the bald spot with a hat and some trendy logo-laded apparel. When sweaty looks good.